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July 27, 2012

Tips for Every Dog Owner

The rate of dog bite incidents is apparently still on the rise these days. This is what the research findings of the American Humane Association indicate.

It was stated that there were about 4.7 million dog bite cases in United States every year. Around 800,000 of such cases would require professional medical assistance just to be treated properly. Also, many patients may need to undergo surgery since dog bites often lacerate the flesh and cause permanent deformation.

Incidentally, severe cases result in far more devastating events. This is evident in the 24 percent of deaths caused by unrestrained dogs living within properties. On the other hand, unrestrained dogs inside the establishment of their own keepers caused 58 percent of all recorded deaths.

People are likely to buy dogs to keep them as pets. However, it is important that these people should know the first steps on how to deal with the sometimes unpredictable behavior of such animals. In most cases, humans are the ones who lack dog care training that could lead them to commit actions that would trigger their pet dogs to bite.

In line with this, here are some of the things that people should keep in mind:

·         Do not look take away their puppies of the food they’re eating since some may instinctively bite.
·         Never run away from dogs since these animals view the act as a sign of weakness. Since werewolves were considered the ancestor of dogs, it is highly possible that they got this trait from such wild animals.
·         Never approach an unfamiliar dog.
·         Refrain from moving when an unfamiliar dog comes near.
·         Once a person is knocked over by a dog, it would be best for that individual to lay still.
·         Never stare at a dog directly in the eye since they look at such act as a sign of challenging their authority or territory.

Negligent owners should be penalized for not caring for these animals the right way, which might have increased their aggression. If the complaint took place in California, then the liable person should be prosecuted through the help of a Los Angeles injury attorney. This person would assist clients through the complex way of litigation.

July 13, 2012

Prevalence of Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Due to Motor Vehicle Accidents

Many accidents take place in Los Angeles California. Based on statistics presented by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), there had been 561 traffic fatalities in the area just in 2010.  This opens up a large probability that many who reside in such place had sustained Traumatic Brain Injury or TBI. 

This injury, which is usually suffered by people who were involved in vehicle accidents, is defined by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) as the result of a bump, blow, or jolt in the head. In addition, it is a penetrating head injury that disrupts the normal brain function. 

In this regard, the government should reconsider its programs that aim to curb problems regarding TBI.  Based on recent records of the CDC, it seems that the number of TBI victims is still on the rise. Accordingly, CDC states that every year, around 1.7 million people sustain TBI. The agency added that TBI is a factor for the 30.5 percent of all injury deaths in the country. To top it all, around 75 percent of TBI’s that happen every year are concussions or other mild forms.

Additionally, children are also considered as the most common victims of this kind of injury. About 473, 947 or half million of emergency department cases involved children aged 0-14 years because of TBI.

July 03, 2012

When Injury Hinders Daily Life Activities

It is normal for California residents to experience injury occasionally. Nonetheless, if the injury prevents the victim from doing his or her daily activities prior to the accident, then it would be categorized as a disability. This disability may even affect that individual physically and emotionally. Most of the time, such injuries come from traumatic crashes such as traffic accidents in California.

If this were the case, then it would be wise for the victim to file a complaint against the liable person through the assistance of a Los Angeles accident attorney. This legal professional would help the victim in claiming damages awards that may be used to pay for the rehabilitation or medication to heal the injury. In addition, a lawyer is an effective ally who would settle disputes or problems regarding paying for the medical bills.

In line with the discussion on debilitating injuries from vehicle crashes, an example is the Spinal Cord Injury or SCI. An SCI is considered as a traitor ailment since it shows symptoms when it is already on its late stages, unlike other injuries where early prognosis or diagnosis is possible. This leads to a lot of victims who suffer from paralysis since their physicians could no longer cure the ailment in its advance state.

An SCI is formally described as the severing of the nerve roots within the spine due to the crushing of the bones or dislocation. Moreover, the impact of the crash may leave bone fragments, which in turn punctures the nerves of the spine. As the nerves bleed, the transmission of the signals from the brain is disrupted.

Accordingly, to guide the victims of crashes who suspect that they may have SCI, here are some of its early symptoms: