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July 03, 2012

When Injury Hinders Daily Life Activities

It is normal for California residents to experience injury occasionally. Nonetheless, if the injury prevents the victim from doing his or her daily activities prior to the accident, then it would be categorized as a disability. This disability may even affect that individual physically and emotionally. Most of the time, such injuries come from traumatic crashes such as traffic accidents in California.

If this were the case, then it would be wise for the victim to file a complaint against the liable person through the assistance of a Los Angeles accident attorney. This legal professional would help the victim in claiming damages awards that may be used to pay for the rehabilitation or medication to heal the injury. In addition, a lawyer is an effective ally who would settle disputes or problems regarding paying for the medical bills.

In line with the discussion on debilitating injuries from vehicle crashes, an example is the Spinal Cord Injury or SCI. An SCI is considered as a traitor ailment since it shows symptoms when it is already on its late stages, unlike other injuries where early prognosis or diagnosis is possible. This leads to a lot of victims who suffer from paralysis since their physicians could no longer cure the ailment in its advance state.

An SCI is formally described as the severing of the nerve roots within the spine due to the crushing of the bones or dislocation. Moreover, the impact of the crash may leave bone fragments, which in turn punctures the nerves of the spine. As the nerves bleed, the transmission of the signals from the brain is disrupted.

Accordingly, to guide the victims of crashes who suspect that they may have SCI, here are some of its early symptoms:

·         Pain and stinging sensation from the spine
·         Shaking or body tremors
·         Failure to feel changes in temperature
·         Change in strength
·         Failure to move
·         Breathing problems

If they feel these symptoms, then the accident victims are advised to seek the immediate help of physicians who could diagnose if they have SCI. This would in turn lead them to make an early formal complaint to recover monetary payments from the liable party through damages awards even at the onset of treatment.


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